Soak Arrow Stencil

Stencil Size

How often do you want to hide away from life for just a little while and soak in a nice hot bath? We get it. Life is hectic and stressful and a soak in a hot tub is a super way to relieve the tension. Well, we thought we would honor the need for the solitude of a hot bath with our awesome Soak Arrow stencil.

The Soak Arrow stencil is part of our word arrow collection that includes stencils such as the Faith Arrow stencil. The Soak Arrow stencil is an image of an arrow, the shaft of which forms the word “soak.” It's simple and fun and can be painted anywhere. Have some fun and paint this design on the bathroom wall, pointing at the bathtub. Or make a sign to hang in your bathroom or near your hot tub if you are fortunate enough to have one.

Honestly, there are no limits to what you can do with this stencil. It is so versatile, partly because as long as you have the right paint, you can paint on any surface. This includes surfaces such as walls, bathroom tiles, glass, wood, plastic, metal, and fabric. The versatility of the stencil is also due to the fact that we laser-cut the stencil in a wide range of sizes. From small to large, our sizes include:

  • 3” x 6”
  • 5” x 11”
  • 18” x 8”
  • 11” x 24”
  • 36” x 16”
  • 48” x 22”
  • 55” x 25”

When you're ready to paint, nothing could be easier. It might just be as calming an activity as soaking in a hot bath. Regardless, you'll have a blast. Simply secure the stencil flat to the desired surface and paint. Then you can wash the stencil in warm, soapy water and store it safely away until you need it again.

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