Mom Juice Wine Stencil

Stencil Size

Mom always gave you your juice, but she also gives herself grownup juice. You guessed it – we're talking about wine, the grownup grape juice she loves to enjoy at the end of the day. And unlike your juice when you were young, she doesn't water hers down. To make the idea of mom juice more fun, we decided to create our Mom Juice Wine stencil. This stencil doesn't actually have the word wine on it. It simply says, “Mom juice,” but we all know what that means. Although, if you think anyone will be unsure, you can always paint this stencil design alongside our Wine Glass Grapes stencil.

You can use the Mom Juice Wine stencil on a wall in your home, perhaps above your wine rack. Paint it onto the side of your wine rack. Make it into stencil art you can hang in your home, give as a gift, or sell at craft fairs. Paint it on the wall of a wine-making shop. Honestly, anything is fair game, provided you have the right paint for the surface and the correct stencil size. Available sizes include:

  • 5” x 6”
  • 5” x 11”
  • 18” x 12”
  • 24” x 18”
  • 36” x 24”
  • 48” x 32”
  • 55” x 35”

Now, if you're thinking this is a project that will take forever and drive you to need a glass of wine, think again. It's actually incredibly easy and quick to paint this design, giving you plenty of time to sit with a glass of mom juice after your done, so you can admire your handiwork.

All you need to do is secure the stencil and apply the paint using a roller, brush, or spray. We highly recommend you don't have too much mom juice before you do it, though. Then remove the stencil, wash it, and save it for another time or pass it on. This durable stencil will last for years.

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