Happy Holidays Stencil

Stencil Size

The simple wish of a Happy Holidays is one of the most important things we can give others during the holiday season. In fact, wishing people Happy Holidays is something we can do for every single person we meet, spreading joy and cheer wherever we go. Now we have a whole new way you can wish people Happy Holidays, a way to amp up the cheer you spread during this very special time of year – our Happy Holidays stencil!

The Happy Holidays stencil is a simple, yet fun design that says Happy Holidays! The words are surrounded by lines that show you are shouting this message out to the world. The question is to whom do you want to shout it out? Friends? Family? The neighborhood? Your faith community? With this stencil design you can do this by making signs or artwork, big or small, that shows just how festive you are.

All you need is the right paint for the medium and you can paint the Happy Holidays design on wood, metal, glass, plastic, concrete, canvas, and more. You can even paint it right onto fabric, making festive shirts for everyone to wear. And because we offer the stencil in the following sizes, you'll easily be able to find the right size for your needs:

  • 6” x 6”
  • 8” x 8”
  • 12” x 12”
  • 15” x 15”
  • 20” x 20”
  • 25” x 25”
  • 30” x 30”
  • 35” x 35”

All that's left is for you to pick the right color for your project. Then secure the stencil flat and paint. You can make a completely unique design by combining this stencil with any of our other holiday stencils, such as the Christmas Wreath stencil. And once you're done creating, just wash the stencil and store it away until you need it again. This reusable stencil will last for years.

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