Halloween Zombie Hand Stencil

Stencil Size

Zombies are definitely one of the worst, most horrifying things thought up by the human mind. The undead have been haunting our nightmares since the early 1800s. And since they are associated with death, they make the perfect Halloween monster to put a fright into all of us. In recent years, we have become obsessed with the zombie apocalypse on a new level, and in that spirit, we have created our fantastically terrifying Halloween Zombie Hand stencil.

The rotting zombie hand in this stencil design is a body short of the entire terrifying creature. You can just picture it coming up out of the grave, trying to dig itself free. The image of the hand is set within a triangle, which is overlaid a circle. And on the palm of the zombie hand is the evil eye, just in case a zombie hand on its own wasn't scary enough.

Your challenge with this stencil? To scare as many people are possible with it! So, spice up your Halloween decor with DIY decorations made with this stencil. The most obvious is that you can make some really amazing art with this design that you can hang inside your home or on your front step at Halloween.

But there are so many more options. Use it to make the best signs and posters to advertise your freaky Halloween event. Make Halloween t-shirts with it or invitations to your party. Best of all, you can make the most realistic-looking cake when you ice it with this design. Yes, the stencil is food-grade quality. You can even paint it on the window of a store or coffee shop to bring your decorations to a new level of horror.

So, if our challenge is accepted, you need to choose your project, then get the right type of paint for the surface you will be painting on and order the right stencil size to fit the space you'll be painting, and you'll be all set. Available sizes include:

  • 6” x 6”
  • 8” x 8”
  • 12” x 12”
  • 15” x 15”
  • 20” x 20”
  • 25” x 25”
  • 30” x 30”
  • 35” x 35”

Once you have everything ready to go, you can get your horror… We mean your stencil on. Secure your zombie hand to the surface, and use your own hand to paint a horrific masterpiece. Then be sure to wash this stencil well. You'll definitely want to use it again next Halloween, perhaps along with one of our other Halloween stencils, such as the Trick Or Treat stencil.

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