Golden Parachute Banksy Stencil
No one has a stronger talent than Banksy for turning the most innocent images into something that is deeply disturbing. This British graffiti artist has work with complete anonymity for nearly 30 years, spreading his political activism around the world through his street art. England, the U.S., Mexico, and other places in the world have been targeted and his message is always sent loud and clear. It is with pride that we help spread his message with our awesome golden parachute banksy stencil.
This stencil shows the simple image of a banksy wall art with banksy stencils, an image that sends a chill down to the very marrow. What appears totally innocent at first glance has an undertone of hopelessness that stays with you long after you've seen the image. It's the kind of image that is ideal for making protest signs and posters for an event. It's also perfect for t-shirts. You can paint it on a vehicle to make a mobile statement.
They key to this level of versatility is simple. Get the right paint for the medium and you can paint anywhere you want! Just think of the possibilities. Walls and windows. Wood or metal. You can even do it big, medium, or small with our extensive range of sizes. That means you can keep it intimate or you can really grab people's attention, which is precisely what Banksy wanted to do with his images.
So, decide on your project and get your stencil and paint. Then simply secure the stencil and paint your heart out in true Banksy style. The image will be 100% accurate, just the way he painted the original. Except that you can paint it over and over again because this stencil is durable and reusable.