Amazing Grace Stencil

Stencil Size

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound. This is a timeless classic that brings hope and strength to people everywhere. And now you can help spread that hope and strength with our gorgeous Amazing Grace stencil. This stencil design combines two fonts, “Amazing Grace” in a basic font and “how Sweet the Sound” in a more elegant font, for an incredibly beautiful effect.

There is no end to the uses for our Amazing Grace stencil. You can stencil this design right onto a wall in your home, spreading a larger-than-life message of hope. Or you can go smaller and create stencil art you can hang in your home, give as gifts, or sell at craft shows. This stencil design is also ideal for making signs and posters you can use at events, in plays, at church, or in any other way you can imagine. We make this possible because we precision laser-cut each stencil in-house in the following sizes:

  • 5” x 6”
  • 8.5” x 11”
  • 18” x 12”
  • 24” x 18”
  • 36” x 24”
  • 48” x 32”
  • 55” x 35”

Choose fantastic colors that you feel best gets your message across and be sure the paint is right for the surface material, whether that is a wall, wood, glass, plastic, metal, concrete, fabric, or another material. Then all you need to do is secure the stencil flat to the surface and paint.

When you are finished, all you need to do is clean the stencil in warm soapy water and tuck it away for future use, whether you need it again or some you know wants to borrow it. That's all there is to it! Plus, you can use this sturdy stencil for years to come, making it a smart one-time investment.

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